AN ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER is developing before our eyes, and no one is looking or caring. Louisiana has laws regulating the pumping of waste water from gas fracturing operations back into the substructure of Louisiana. Texas has no such laws. Therefore, the contaminated waste waters from thousands of Louisiana deep gas wells is being pumped into the soil of East Texas counties, especially Shelby County. This process has gone on for over two years, and last week, a 3.7 earthquake occurred in Shelby County, near the town of Timpson.
HERE'S THE STORY -- There is a bridge located at the point where the Sabine River becomes Toledo Bend Lake. The bridge connects the Louisiana town of Logansport in DeSoto Parish with the Texas town of Joaquin, located in Shelby County, Texas. Each day huge tanker trucks transport hundreds to thousands of gallons of waste water from Louisiana deep gas wells into Texas, and pump that water into Shelby County soil. Because the cost of transport is high, the pumping stations are located as close to the border as possible. Some of the largest pumping stations are located within a half mile of the Sabine River/Toledo Bend Reservoir, which provides water for thousands of people all the way to the Gulf.
I have been told, that in addition to the tanker trucks transporting the waste water that new pipelines are moving even greater quantities of water across the river into East Texas. These operations are far less obvious to observers than the tanker truck pumping stations. Exact data on how many thousands of gallons are pumped daily, or as to the millions of gallons dumped over the past two years is not available to the public.
WAKE-UP CALL -- The 3.7 earthquake in Shelby County last week is the first wake-up call for the pending environmental disaster. The Mount Enterprise fault line runs through Shelby and adjoining counties. Waste water injected along this fault line can alter pressures and lead to movements of the opposing plates. It remains unclear whether the water used in individual gas wells is sufficient to cause earthquakes, butv most experts agree that the key variable is the absolute quantity of water being pumped into the geological substructure. In NO OTHER AREA have such huge quantities of waste water from hundreds of wells been pumped into a limited geographical substructure. Shelby County is A MINI-EXPERIMENTAL STUDY into how much waste water can be absorbed in a given geological sub-structure before a major disaster occurs. Someday, we may read in text books about what is learned from this potentially disastrous experiment. But that will be, as they say, too little and too late.
WHY IS TEXAS ALLOWING THIS POTENTIAL DANGER TO ITS CITIZENS? -- If LOUISIANA recognizes the dangers of allowing this water to be pumped into its geological substructure, there must be a reason. Louisiana must recognize the dangers, including the danger of contaminating ground water or creating earthquake conditions. WHY IS TEXAS IGNORING THESE WARNINGS, AND ALLOWING CONTAMINATION BY LOUISIANA'S WASTE? The only answer I see is MONEY. Shelby County is one of the poorest counties in the state of Texas, and there are enormous economic benefits flowing to the county from the energy companies who are dumping their waste there. However, the fallout from this dumping, goes far beyond the boundaries of Shelby County.
TOLEDO BEND RESERVOIR provides water for thousands of citizens of Louisiana and Texas. A pipeline to take water from Toledo Bend to the city of Houston is projected. There are indications that hazardous chemicals from waste fracturing water have already contaminated this critical water supply. NO TESTING OF THE SABINE OR TOLEDO BEND WATER FOR FRACTURING CHEMICALS is currently being publically reported. Indeed, chemicals used in fracturing are considered "trade secrets" by the drilling companies. Texas is currently attempting to legally require drilling companies to reveal the chemicals they are using. Without this information, we don't even know for certain what chemicals may be contaminating our water supply.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
For better or worse, I have just learned that I am my own 8th cousin, once removed. My Father. Wilmer H. Jackson, Sr. and my Mother, Myrtis Lee Heard are both descended from the Rev. Haute Wyatt (at least to according to current genealogical research). My Father, and all of our JACKSON, COX, and HICKS cousins are descended from the Rev. Haute Wyatt (1594-1638) through his son George Wyatt (1622-1671); while my Mother and all of our HEARD, LINDSEY, and HEWELL cousins are descended through his son Edward Wyatt (1619-1670). If you are interested in the details of this genealogy, you can explore it in Frances' Family History at
The Heard Family descent from Edward Wyatt was posited a number of years ago by a cousin, John Kent, who worked with Elizabeth Heard in tracing our Heard, Lindsey, and Hewell Families. I've only recently discovered the Jackson-Cox-Hicks connection through the work of a Cox relation Glenn Davies.
Why is the connection to REV. HAUTE WYATT of particular interest. Well, if the connections established by these genealogists are valid, the Rev. Wyatt links these families to WILLIAM THE CONQUER, and the PLANTAGENET dynasty of England. The Rev. Haute Wyatt is the great-grandson of Thomas Wyatt, (the Elder 1503-1542) famed poet and statesman and friend of Henry VIII; and the grandson of Thomas Wyatt (the Younger 1521-1554) who led a rebellion against Queen Mary in an attempt to put Elizabeth I on the English throne. For his efforts, he was beheaded in the Tower of London on April 11, 1554. Read about the Rev. Wyatt at, and about Thomas the Elder at; and Thomas the Younger at

A ROYAL CONNECTION -- While no one does genealogy primarily to establish a Royal Connection, it is great fun when such a relationship is found. Since most histories and biographies center on the rich and famous, having family connections to the "actors" in history's dramas makes their stories come alive in a personal fashion. Since the nobles of Britain intermarried, we have multiple connections to the Royals through the wives of the Wyatt men. The wives with royal connections, include Jane Conquest (wife of Edward Wyatt) Barbara Mitford (wife of Rev. Haute Wyatt), Jane Finch (Rev. Haute's mother), Catherine Moyle, (Jane Finch's mother), Jane Hawte (Thomas Wyatt, Jr.'s wife), Elizabeth Brooke (Thomas Wyatt Sr.'s wife).
The Elizabeth Brooke connection is one of the most interesting. Elizabeth (1503-1560) on her father's side (Thomas Brooke) is the granddaughter of Margaret DeNeville. On her mother's side (Dorothy Heydon), she is the grand daughter of Ann Boleyn (Aunt of the more famous Ann Boleyn who married King Henry VIII). Margaret De Neville is the granddaughter of Joan DeBeaufort (daughter of John of Gaunt of the PLANTAGENET line and his wife Katherine DeRoet read about Joan at,_Countess_of_Westmorland).

John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster had four wives, and has the distinction of having the most descendents to ascend to the throne of England (,_1st_Duke_of_Lancaster) . His father was King Edward III and his grandfather was Edward II, son of Edward I. John of Gaunt's son, Joan's half-brother, was Henry IV. John of Gaunt was the 7th great grandson of William, the Conquer, King of England, and Duke of Normandy. That makes William the Conqueror my 27th great grandfather. If you are really compulsive, you can connect this line to the royal familes of most of Europe, including France, Germany, Belgium, and Scotland.

IS OUR ROYAL CONNECTION REAL OR IMAGINED? WHO KNOWS!! -- DNA is the only proof positive available, and we are descended through maternal lines, so Y DNA testing is not feasible. The question in the genealogical records are the links of our Wyatt ancestors to Edward and George Wyatt, the sons of Rev. Haute Wyatt. Each link is based on documents, but there are always some questions. As they say genealogy is a work in progress, but until the connection is disproved we can enjoy the distinction. We are in interesting company.
The Heard Family descent from Edward Wyatt was posited a number of years ago by a cousin, John Kent, who worked with Elizabeth Heard in tracing our Heard, Lindsey, and Hewell Families. I've only recently discovered the Jackson-Cox-Hicks connection through the work of a Cox relation Glenn Davies.
Why is the connection to REV. HAUTE WYATT of particular interest. Well, if the connections established by these genealogists are valid, the Rev. Wyatt links these families to WILLIAM THE CONQUER, and the PLANTAGENET dynasty of England. The Rev. Haute Wyatt is the great-grandson of Thomas Wyatt, (the Elder 1503-1542) famed poet and statesman and friend of Henry VIII; and the grandson of Thomas Wyatt (the Younger 1521-1554) who led a rebellion against Queen Mary in an attempt to put Elizabeth I on the English throne. For his efforts, he was beheaded in the Tower of London on April 11, 1554. Read about the Rev. Wyatt at, and about Thomas the Elder at; and Thomas the Younger at
A ROYAL CONNECTION -- While no one does genealogy primarily to establish a Royal Connection, it is great fun when such a relationship is found. Since most histories and biographies center on the rich and famous, having family connections to the "actors" in history's dramas makes their stories come alive in a personal fashion. Since the nobles of Britain intermarried, we have multiple connections to the Royals through the wives of the Wyatt men. The wives with royal connections, include Jane Conquest (wife of Edward Wyatt) Barbara Mitford (wife of Rev. Haute Wyatt), Jane Finch (Rev. Haute's mother), Catherine Moyle, (Jane Finch's mother), Jane Hawte (Thomas Wyatt, Jr.'s wife), Elizabeth Brooke (Thomas Wyatt Sr.'s wife).
The Elizabeth Brooke connection is one of the most interesting. Elizabeth (1503-1560) on her father's side (Thomas Brooke) is the granddaughter of Margaret DeNeville. On her mother's side (Dorothy Heydon), she is the grand daughter of Ann Boleyn (Aunt of the more famous Ann Boleyn who married King Henry VIII). Margaret De Neville is the granddaughter of Joan DeBeaufort (daughter of John of Gaunt of the PLANTAGENET line and his wife Katherine DeRoet read about Joan at,_Countess_of_Westmorland).
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster had four wives, and has the distinction of having the most descendents to ascend to the throne of England (,_1st_Duke_of_Lancaster) . His father was King Edward III and his grandfather was Edward II, son of Edward I. John of Gaunt's son, Joan's half-brother, was Henry IV. John of Gaunt was the 7th great grandson of William, the Conquer, King of England, and Duke of Normandy. That makes William the Conqueror my 27th great grandfather. If you are really compulsive, you can connect this line to the royal familes of most of Europe, including France, Germany, Belgium, and Scotland.

IS OUR ROYAL CONNECTION REAL OR IMAGINED? WHO KNOWS!! -- DNA is the only proof positive available, and we are descended through maternal lines, so Y DNA testing is not feasible. The question in the genealogical records are the links of our Wyatt ancestors to Edward and George Wyatt, the sons of Rev. Haute Wyatt. Each link is based on documents, but there are always some questions. As they say genealogy is a work in progress, but until the connection is disproved we can enjoy the distinction. We are in interesting company.
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
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